We heard those words a few years ago from a couple of retired Special Forces Operators. Now, those same guys have volunteered their time to help us spread the word about Salty Britches.
We believe things happen for a reason and the way forward is through relationship and trust. Connecting with a rag tag, highly trained bunch of professional SF guys certainly helped our cause. Even in retirement, these guys are still serving and spend days training in super hot, humid and difficult environments. No doubt, they all clearly have experienced skin irritation and blisters. In fact, I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard, "I wish Salty Britches was available when I was in."
In those early days several years ago, we donated a ton of Salty Britches to classes of trainees going through MARSOC selection. These guys asked for Salty Britches in a black tube and even helped create our military logo and copy on the front of the tube. They were instrumental in getting a National Stock Number for our product. They believed it would make a big difference for their operators. They have stood with me time and again to help introduce Salty Britches to those that need it. For years.
These rag tag hard chargers are some of our favorite people. We love and respect them and their important work. They are patriots, ordinary people doing extraordinary things. They are selfless, smart, and master connectors. They are the reason we got our foot in the military space.
I guarantee they would not endorse Salty Britches if it was a gimmick. Their time is so limited they would have told me thanks, but no thanks. They will always be a part of our family and story.
Mario Volpe and Jon Lawson, just two of that group we call our "unofficial board members" we are so very grateful for you and can't thank you enough for all you have done. Let's keep building!