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Salty Britches on the Range

Salty Britches on the Range

Salty Britches has taken us to some incredible places, often out of our comfort zone!  Why in the world do we do it and what does that have to do with Salty Britches?

Building a brand from scratch is gnarly.  Building a brand is often all about relationships and people around you.  To grow, you MUST get out of your comfort zone and often, if not live there.  This past adventure was just that, being around incredible people better than ourselves and embracing the stretch of the discomfort.  

Gun ranges can be intimidating if you haven't spent a lot of time there.  We took a group of hard charging women, many entrepreneurs themselves and business owners, to Osprey Shooting Solutions in Rome, Ga.  Our instructor was Ret. Green Beret Edgar Mills.  Edgar was all business and often used the phrase, "That's irrelevant."  He recognized an excuse straight away.  He pushed us to discomfort where we discovered our weaknesses immediately.  Most of us have experience shooting and carrying a weapon. This event was another level.  He didn't just want us to know the potential scenario, he wanted us to feel what it was like. 

What does that have to do with Salty Britches?  Everything.  Being uncomfortable has to become second nature and the only way to do that is to do it, be in it, and experience it.  Schedule the thing.  Do the thing.  In this business, it is our business to network, meet our tribe and community. Ladies we only knew from social media came from near and far to do this with us.  Meeting them in person was awesome.  Building relationships and yes, getting Edgar to smile and laugh was a mission.  We highly recommend Osprey Shooting Solutions and Edgar Mills.  Although we have homework, we all came away with new skills.  Well done ladies.... Mission Accomplished! 


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