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It's Just A Mile

It's Just A Mile

This past weekend, June 19-20, 2021, I witnessed possibly the most crazy, incredible, and inspiring endurance event on the planet.  Salty Britches was lucky enough to be chosen as the "anti-chafe" product of choice for this little proving ground.   I just had no idea what this would really mean.

"Mid State Mile" in Franklin, TN is affectionately called "Murder Mile" or "It's Just A Mile" is another play on words for this ultra race.  This event  is a last man standing format race.  You have 20 mins to run, hike, or crawl through this mile.  It just so happens to have a ridiculous amount of elevation with a 50% incline!  20 mins is barely enough time!  If you don't make it back to the start line in 20 mins, you are out of the race.  If you finish your mile in 16 mins you have 4 mins to grab food, water, or whatever you need to survive another mile.  This goes on until there is one person left.  When one person is left, they must run the course again and make it back within the 20 mins to win.  NUTTSO.

I decided to attend this event, take our Salty Britches tent, and bring my Mama or "Mimi" as she is known around here. We also served as crew for 3 runners: Clint Roughton of Atlanta, GA, Lance Parker and Hollis Tuttle of NYC, all incredible athletes and rockstars.  Every 15 mins or so they would come in and we would help cool them off, refill bottles and whatever else they needed to get through.  The heat was rough, and many were surprised by how intolerant they were to the heat.  Oh yea, and there are rattlesnakes in the area...

One of our favorite people on the planet won the event.  Chadd Wright, retired Navy SEAL, Ultra Runner, host of 3of7 Podcast, and course instructor, ran 122 miles in over 38 hours and 75,000 feet of elevation change.  Seems impossible.  Chadd could have kept going but there were no competitors left. He loves Salty Britches and has put our little brand on the map in this space.  We are so thankful for that, but more importantly, we love the people we have met as a result of meeting Chadd.  His influence is incredible and he doesn't take that responsibility lightly. He loves Jesus and wants you to love him too.  

Follow @midstatemile  and @chadwright278 on IG.  Better yet, plan on being at this event next year.  It's amazing to see for so many reasons.  We were blown away by ALL of the participants.   Chances are, you are only tapping into a small portion of your human potential, unless you are Chadd Wright.  Face it, you have way more in the tank.   This community proves that over and over.  Your words matter.  Giving your pain a voice matters.  Your circle matters.   

This little anti-chafing ointment has shipped all over the world.  What I originally thought was just a skin barrier for my son to play in the ocean, has become so much more than I could ever ask or imagine.  It's taken us to the coasts and mountains and we pray we just walk through the narrow paths that God has designed for us to take.  Thank you to Mid State Mile crew and all of you that support our brand.  May God bless you all as you work to discover how much is left in your tank.  

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1 comment

  • This was truly an incredible event where there was more connectivity between everyone than I have seen or felt in so long! I got to sit and watch people touching other lives, encouraging, helping and lifting up each other! I only felt inspiration and love!! Not only that I was blessed to increase my friendship with many positive families. Thank you Amy and Mimi for being a part of making my life more!!

    Jennifer Wright

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