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A Proven Solution for Runners Chafe




 Meet Yorlliry Moreno, affectionately called "Georgie" by his buddies.  We met Yorlliry after he discovered Salty Britches® from John Duberley, our first amazing ambassador.  The first thing we noticed about Yorlliry is his huge electric smile, but we had no idea what an incredible character lie on the other side of Instagram... 

Turns out Yorlliry is a professional triathlete.  A PROFESSIONAL.  This means he swims, bikes, runs, breaks a major sweat, EVERY SINGLE DAY.  His list of accomplishments is long, and incredible.  He also owns and coaches a swim team called "FINS" in Bluffton, SC.  Yorlliry has a rule, that he has to use a product for at least 100 days to see if it really works.  He feels like the anti-chafing space is full of gimmicks and petroleum jelly look-a-likes that aren't robust enough.  He regularly runs 18 mile training sessions and 6 hour bike rides in the stifling heat of the low country of SC.  According to Yorlliry, "creating Salty Britches® to prevent ocean chafing really cracked the code to preventing chafing in triathlons." Further he stated, "we swim in the ocean and bike and run in the heat.  We are always wet either from sweat or the ocean so it just made sense." And we are thrilled he is  helping us spread the word about Salty Britches® to his Tri-community! 



Yorlliry had quite an example in his athlete father.  His family is from Venezuela, and Yorlliry moved to the US at a young age.  He had to learn English and his new American teacher gave him the official nickname of "Georgie."   When I asked how he got his start in such an intense sport, he replied, "I got started in triathlons because my Dad was the man.  He was a monster of an athlete and all I ever wanted to do was to beat him and his best PRs."   It's fair to say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Yorlliry claims his accomplishments of being a pro Triathlete and being on the national Venezuelan team is definitely a huge highlight of his career, but, meeting the people along the way through this journey has really trumped all of the accolades. He gets it,  100%.  Hard work, dedication, blood, sweat, tears, but the people in his life and those he meets are his favorite part of it all.  We can relate, Yorlliry!


We are so proud to be associated with Yorlliry.  He is currently sponsored by Honey Stinger®, Ventum Racing, All 3 Sports Bicycle Shop, Slay RX, The Bark Shack and Salty Britches®.  You can find and follow him on IG @tri_for_g and FB @YorlliryGMoreno. He never meets a stranger, is uber helpful to everyone, but he is a fierce competitor.  His personality is larger than life and he is someone you naturally want to be around.  When you want to increase your life vibration, raise your own bar, be greater, you surround yourself with people like Yorlliry.  We count him, and all of our ambassadors, as a major blessing to us! Keep rocking on, Yorlliry!  We are behind you all the way! 


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